Obstetrics and Gynecology IMG Friendly Residency Programs List

IMG Friendly OB/GYN Residency Programs List

What are IMG Friendly Obstetrics and Gynecology Residency Programs?

These are a group of Obstetrics and Gynecology programs that typically invite, interview and highly rank foreign medical graduates in the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP). You can find the full list with programs requirements in this page.

How many years is obstetrics and gynecology residency?

OB/GYN residency is a 4 years program.

What are the average scores for AMGs and IMGs who matched in Obstetrics and Gynecology?

The average scores for AMGs who matched in OB/GYN in USMLE step 1 and 2 CK are 220 and 233 repectively.

For IMGs who matched in OB-GYN the average scores in USMLE step 1 and 2 CK are 218 and 223 respectively.

What are the match statistics for OB/GYN?

About 70% of positions offered in the match go to AMGs and about 30% of positions go to IMGs. About 94% of AMGs who apply do match and about 52% of IMGs who apply do successfuly match.


What should IMGs do to increase their chances in matching in OB/GYN?

1- Answering the questions during the interviews appropriately and showing interest. Read this book at least twice before any interview: OB-GYN Q&As

2- You should apply to the same programs where IMGs matched in the previous years, these programs are found in many states as described in the below mentioned list. This is the full list of the IMG friendly Obstetrics and Gynecology residency programs with full selection criteria and requirements in PDF form that you can easily download to any computer or device from: Obstetrics and Gynecology IMG Friendly Residency Programs List

3- Make sure your LORs (especially from overseas) are written in a nice way so program directors will read them till the end. To help you with this task take a look into this guide: OBGYN LORs

4- Doing observerships and getting US LORs is an important part of your ERAS application where program directors will be looking for such information.


I matched already, what should I do to survive Obstetrics and Gynecology residency?

To survive OB/GYN residency you will need to get some books which are needed to build up your knowledge and other books to help you pass the inservice and board exams. These books are traditionally recommended by program directors and widely used by residents, you can find them here: Obstetrics and Gynecology Recommended Books